well, heloo.
first tyme create my own blog. it's pretty cool. no wonder people usually addict to it as it really are. pretty amazing when u can express ur feeling and emotions through it but 'ahaaaaa' dunt forget it also could kill you when mulut tu 'al-tercelupaq' melampau. bkn nk ckp pe, but slalu nye begitu. memule baek and ayat gorgeous lgi! lma-lma, masyaAllah, semur maki-makian bkn maen besembur dlm blog.
s0, back on track, arini ari sabtu. pgi2 baby sony da bunyi. omg! my damn great ex bf anta msg merapu lgi.
he said myb he wont giv me any chance more cz i bia dy feel the pain all alone...goshh...am i an evil rite now?
well i bet i'm not. it's just i realize i need my own space n i dunt tink life will be great when we r in LOVE. i'm not dat type of person who believe dat love can help u to improve life.. i feel zero n nothing. bak kata mak 'seru xsampai lgi'....alaaaa, nnti skali aku becinta, trus kawin jew. kan sng. x gitu??? tp my ex nie pkir melalut. he could not accept that i'm choosing my own path skunk. dgr brani n ganasnye, sbgai pemain rugby touch wanita pertama di uitm machang, aku menerima sgala kutukan owg disekeliling krn meninggalkan ex ku yg pakej lengkap tuh! hadoiiii.....nok, ampun. skunk xde feeling la. afternoon tdi aku gi wedding kt b.j..da mkn bgi kenyang punye perut, aku gi la duduk beside makcik2 mmbe parents aku. boleh aku wat malu fall asleep kt kerusi tgh2 owg rmai tuh??? al maklumlahh, mak aku kejut awal sgt. tdo sdap tobangkang, alarm dri tekak mak aku punye kuat!!!!!!! sentap nokk! last2, aku mntax kunci kete, balikkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! aku nie pown satu, slalu mmg aku la anak yg paling liat skali nk mengikut parents gi mne2. skali gatal sgt nk mkn nsi kawin, mikkk ko, wat malu jekkkk!
pengajaran : pkai spect mata kan sng. owg bkn taw ko tdo ke haperrrr!
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